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Come, Follow Me: Matthew 4, Luke 4-5

In “Come, Follow Me” this week, we read in Matthew and Luke that during his

Candace Brown with Minerva Teichert’s “Love Story”

Meet Candace Brown! She was a research assistant for the BYU Maxwell Institute and the

Come, Follow Me: Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3

In “Come, Follow Me” this week, we read in the New Testament about the importance

Elizabeth Finlayson with Minerva Teichert’s “Flight”

Meet Elizabeth Finlayson! She is a research assistant for the BYU Maxwell Institute and the

Maxwell Institute Annual Report 2022

The Maxwell Institute’s 2022 Annual Report features the Book of Mormon Art Catalog! Check out

Come, Follow Me: John 1

We are happy to be studying the New Testament in “Come, Follow Me” this year!

Emma Belnap with Minerva Teichert’s “Morianton’s Maidservant”

Meet Emma Belnap! She is a research assistant for the BYU Maxwell Institute and the

Aliza Keller with Minerva Teichert’s “The Sacrament”

Meet Aliza Keller! She is a research assistant for the BYU Maxwell Institute and the

Come, Follow Me: Christmas 2022

As believers once looked to the stars for a sign of Christ’s birth, we too

Come, Follow Me: Malachi

Have you done your “Come, Follow Me” reading in Malachi this week? Malachi’s words were