Book of Mormon Frieze

by Fairbanks, John Leo

Dated c. 1937

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Book of Mormon Frieze

by Fairbanks, John Leo



Artist Information

Name: Fairbanks, John Leo

Location(s): United States

State or City: Utah

Gender: Male


Technique & Style

Figurative, Sculpture


Alma (father of Alma), Coriantumr, Hagoth, Jesus Christ, Joseph, King Noah, Laman, Lehi, Mormon, Moroni (Captain), Moroni (son of Mormon), Nephi, Nephi (grandson of Helaman), Nephites, Samuel the Lamanite


ancient architecture, arrow, boat, bow, Columbia (United States), column, crown, cup, gold plates, headdress, star, Title of Liberty

Additional Info


Original casting at Laie Hawaii Temple chapel. Recasting in situ at Church History Library.

Current Location

Church History Museum, Laie Hawaii Temple

Church Name

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints