Branches Over The Wall

by Wright, Kimi

Dated 2024

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Branches Over The Wall

by Wright, Kimi

Artist Information

Name: Wright, Kimi

Location(s): United States

Gender: Female


Technique & Style

Abstract, Mixed media





Additional Info


Artist statement: " Genesis 49:22 "Joseph is a fruitful bough even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall:" I've heard this scripture used to describe the descendants of Joseph who came to the Americas, namely Lehi and his family. One of the themes we talked about this semester was how the Nephites felt cast off, and I noticed in my reading that many of the Nephites were frustrated by the fact Christ would be born in Jerusalem, and many thought they would never see him. In my piece the people within the circle represent the wall spoken of in Genesis 49:22, people inside the circle represent people in the old world, and people outside represent people in the Americas. Even though the people outside look separated, they are the same as the people within the circle and are on the same branches. Christ is in the center because he is known as "The Vine", he nourishes all of us, even when we feel far away from Christ, he is at our center, supporting us. I made this piece using copper wire to make the tree on the frame and hand-beading people using an Native-American-inspired pattern (used with permission)."

Commissioned Status

Submitted to the 2024 BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest.

Church Affiliation of the Artist

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints