Instagram @library_of_godwin 08/07/2024
Godwin, The Book of Mormon Illustrated by Godwin (Williams & Co. Publishing, 2024).
by Williams, Caleb
Dated 2024
Instagram @library_of_godwin 08/07/2024
Godwin, The Book of Mormon Illustrated by Godwin (Williams & Co. Publishing, 2024).
Name: Williams, Caleb
Location(s): United Kingdom, United States
Gender: Male
Instagram: @library_of_godwin
Digital illustration, Figurative
Instagram caption 08/07/2024 "Alma had reason to rebuke his son Corianton for betraying his sacred calling and committing serious sins with the harlot Isabel. Alma’s love is demonstrated in the way in which he confronts his son directly and honestly. Alma understood the destructive nature of lust and its associated sins. There has perhaps not been a sin in the modern world that has reached such mainstream accessibility and acceptance as lust. In the course of only a few generations, our culture has fully embraced the behaviours that destroy the soul and corrode the family. How many families have been torn apart by these sins? How many young men and women have had their self confidence and worth crippled by the weight of their addictions? How much virtue has been stolen in the pursuit of empty pleasure? It is hard. I know. I stand next to all my brothers and sisters who feel weak in the face of so staggering an enemy. We must learn to support each other in our weaknesses and turn to the Lord. I appreciate the fatherly wisdom of Alma: “turn to the Lord with all your mind, might, and strength; that ye lead away the hearts of no more to do wickedly; but rather return unto them, and acknowledge your faults and that wrong which ye have done.” Repentance is accessible for all."
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints