Grief and Guides in the Wilderness

by Wallace, Gwen

Dated 2024

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Grief and Guides in the Wilderness

by Wallace, Gwen

Artist Information

Name: Wallace, Gwen

Location(s): United States

Gender: Female


Technique & Style

Abstract, Mixed media




gold plates, hand, Liahona, meat, tree

Additional Info


Artist statement: "The bracelets represent Nephi's family's time in the wilderness. One symbolizes the trials in the wilderness, such as harsh living conditions and conflict. The charms represent leaving their riches and comfortable life, dwelling in a tent, Nephi's steel bow breaking, Nephi's brothers tying him up, and eating raw meat. The brown beads represent the barren land and monotony of the daily life of those 8 years. The other bracelet represents the guides they had in the wilderness, whether physical objects, spiritual messages, or visions with inspiring metaphors. These charms are an angel, the Liahona, the Tree of Life, the brass plates, and the Iron Rod. These guides helped give them strength and direction to overcome the trials and get to the promised land, which is what the vibrant green and blue of the beads symbolize. Another small detail is using 7 of each bead color in between each charm, since 7 is regarded as a holy number. I made the charms of the spiritual guides in permanent marker as opposed to colored pencil because while trials are long and difficult, they're ultimately temporary, whereas the spirit is as permanent as we'll let it be. It's important to me to remember that Nephi and his family had really difficult trials, but found the strength to overcome them. Like Nephi, I can find strength to get through difficult times through parables and the word of God."

Commissioned Status

Submitted to the 2024 BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest.

Church Affiliation of the Artist

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints