Artist Information
Name: Sproul, Evan
Location(s): United States
Gender: Male
by Sproul, Evan
Dated 2023
Name: Sproul, Evan
Location(s): United States
Gender: Male
Figurative, Painting
King Lamoni
Electrical Engineering major, BYU. Artist statement: "My painting displays King Lamoni’s desperation. He is pleading with the Lord for forgiveness and is willing to give up anything for it. I painted him using acrylic and wanted to paint him without any ornaments or special clothing to represent his raw emotion and him stripping himself of his pride. I wanted to represent him in the most accurate way so I painted him with a darker complexion and more realistic characteristics. I chose not to input as much detail in certain areas, such as the hands, because the messiness of the painting shows his conflict and emotion."
Submitted to the 2023 BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints