Artist Information
Name: Copitzky, Cody
Location(s): United States
Gender: Male
by Copitzky, Cody
Dated 2023
Name: Copitzky, Cody
Location(s): United States
Gender: Male
Abstract, Print
glyphs, helmet, record, stylus, sword
Accounting major, BYU. Artist statement: "Mormon is inscribing his record into the plates. I thought that a linocut would be appropriate seeing that each character would have been carved into the plates. The first three lines contain the words "Jehovah" or "Yahweh" in differing versions of Hebrew and hieroglyph. The other characters are based on Egyptian hieroglyph and the Reformed Egyptian characters Joseph Smith recorded from the plates. "
Submitted to the 2023 BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints