Artist Information
Name: Christensen, Cassandra
Location(s): United States
Gender: Female
by Christensen, Cassandra
Dated 2023
Name: Christensen, Cassandra
Location(s): United States
Gender: Female
Figurative, Painting
Heavenly Mother
dress, flower, lei
bird, turtle
Family Studies major, BYU. Artist statement: "This portrait of Mother in Heaven, titled "My Divine Potential", is influenced by my Hawaiian and Filipino ancestry and what I feel I can become when I achieve Eternal Life. The painting incorporates some of my own physical traits, as well as those from my own mother and Kūpuna Wāhine (female ancestors). While doing this, I felt a connection with Mother in Heaven as Her daughter. Through this experience, I feel like I have not only come to better understand myself and my relationship with Heavenly Mother but my own Kūpuna Wāhine and future descendants. We are all connected and we all have a common Mother–Heavenly Mother. I know that if we strive to do what is right on earth, we can reach our Divine Potential and become like our Mother and Father. This painting is an acrylic on canvas. Some of the things I incorporated are as follows: At the top of the head, She wears a lei of yellow and pinkish/red flowers. In Hawaiian culture, red and yellow are the colors of royalty. Her hair is black with grayish/white streaks, which can be seen as the natural variation in the hair, or as aging hair. Gray hair may represent wisdom and experience. The symbolism throughout Her dress is one of my favorite parts of this piece. I incorporate designs from Polynesian and Filipino tattoos. The design on Her neck represents protection and strength, as well as the bond of family (generations before and to come). This is kept close to Her chest, as it is central to Her relationship with us. We are Her children and She can help guide and protect us. The middle part of Her dress shows space and represents Her power and ability to create with the Father, as well as our potential as creators. I also incorporate red and yellow here to represent royalty. The bottom half of Her dress incorporates other specific designs, which represent Her being with us on our journey through life (the bird/turtle designs), Her power (spearheads and shark teeth), and the origin of man (or Kalo, which is also a reference to a Hawaiian legend on the origin of man). "
Submitted to the 2023 BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints