Artist Information
Name: Śledž, Roman
Location(s): Poland
Gender: Male
by Śledž, Roman
Dated 2012
Name: Śledž, Roman
Location(s): Poland
Gender: Male
Carving, Folk
Angel, Korihor
"Muting of Korihor" Korihor: "zawsze wiedzialem ze bog istnieje"//I've always known that God exists Alma: "wimię boga mowie ze tracisz mowe"//In the name of God I say you will lose your speech Judge: "oto dat ci znaki czy nadal bedziesz sie spieral"ˆ//Here are the signs, will you still argue?
Private collection of Walter Whipple
“A Catholic Reads the Book of Mormon: Folk Carvings of Roman Śledź,” Harold B. Lee Library, BYU, Feb-April 2023