[Again, and again, prophets came into the land, preaching repentance to the wicked Jaredites] Continue reading →
[The prophet Ether, hiding in a cave: He wrote the record of his people on twenty-four plates of gold] Continue reading →
[The Tree of Life: The whiteness thereof exceeded the whiteness of the driven snow] Continue reading →
[I beheld he was in the form of a man, yet nevertheless I knew it was the Spirit of the Lord] Continue reading →
[A river ran along near the tree; a rod of iron extended along the bank and led to the tree. A straight and narrow path led to the tree also] Continue reading →
[Lehi saw a beautiful white tree with sweet, white fruit. After he ate of the fruit, he wanted his family to taste it also] Continue reading →
[Nephi stretched forth his hand to his brethren; they did not wither, but the Lord shook their frames] Continue reading →
[There arose a great and terrible tempest and the ship was driven back upon the waters for three days] Continue reading →