Plates of Silicon

by Dixon, Porter

Dated 2024

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Plates of Silicon

by Dixon, Porter

Artist Information

Name: Dixon, Porter

Location(s): United States

Gender: Male


Technique & Style

Figurative, Mixed media




gold plates

Additional Info


Artist statement: "Plates of Silicon is not only a technological marvel but also a profound reimagining of sacred texts. Hardly larger than the ant that sits on top of it, this micro-sculpture contains the entire Book of Mormon etched in silicon! Each of the 9 pages is about 1 square centimeter and together contains over 1.4 million letters. If put the plates up to a microscope, you can read them! In my field of Electrical Engineering, I explore the invisible forces at work within silicon chips– forces essential for powering our modern world. Likewise, the words of the Book of Mormon hold a deep significance in my life, providing a powerful spiritual influence beyond the literal text. This harmonious blending of science and spirituality is poetically realized in the silicon plates, where these two vital elements of my life converge. This artwork is being entered into the unique stylistic and technical approaches category. This sculpture is one-of-a-kind in style and subject matter. The plates were made using photolithography techniques found in the computer chip manufacturing industry: By coating a silicon wafer with photoresist, exposing it to UV light through a patterned plate, chemically treated to develop the text pattern, and then etching it with hydrofluoric acid to engrave the Book of Mormon text. Inspired by the teachings of Alma the Younger who said: “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass,” Plates of Silicon stands as a testament that no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, every element holds the potential for profound impact. The plates embody the spiritual truth that the minutest details can carry immense power. And who knows… maybe the ant got converted in the process!"

Commissioned Status

Submitted to the 2024 BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest.

Church Affiliation of the Artist

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints