Artist Information
Name: Śledž, Roman
Location(s): Poland
Gender: Male
by Śledž, Roman
Dated 2007
by Śledž, Roman
3 Nephi 28
Carved and painted wood
18 x 17 in
Walter Whipple. Used with permission.
Roman Śledž, Side A: Jezus spełnia pragnienia uczniow (Jesus Fulfills the Desires of the Disciples), 2007. The Book of Mormon Art Catalog, [URL].
Name: Śledž, Roman
Location(s): Poland
Gender: Male
Carving, Folk
Angel, Jesus Christ, Nephite Apostle
Private collection of Walter Whipple
“A Catholic Reads the Book of Mormon: Folk Carvings of Roman Śledź,” Harold B. Lee Library, BYU, Feb-April 2023