Vern G. Swanson and Micah J. Christensen, Arnold Friberg: The Book of Mormon Drawings (Salt Lake City, UT: Anthony’s Fine Art & Antiques, 2015).
by Friberg, Arnold
Dated 1950-1954
by Friberg, Arnold
Alma 53
Graphite on paper
12 1/4 in x 16 in
Anthony's Fine Art and Antiques. Used with permission.
Arnold Friberg, Stripling Warrior from Helaman Leads and Army of 2,060 Ammonite Youths, 1950-1954. The Book of Mormon Art Catalog, [URL].
Vern G. Swanson and Micah J. Christensen, Arnold Friberg: The Book of Mormon Drawings (Salt Lake City, UT: Anthony’s Fine Art & Antiques, 2015).
Name: Friberg, Arnold
Location(s): United States
State or City: Utah
Gender: Male
Drawing, Figurative
Stripling Warriors
Anthony's Fine Art and Antiques
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints