The angel said unto me: Look!

by Ochsenbein, Kyland

Dated 2024

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The angel said unto me: Look!

by Ochsenbein, Kyland

Artist Information

Name: Ochsenbein, Kyland

Location(s): United States

Gender: Unknown


Technique & Style

Digital illustration, Figurative


God, Nephi


city, light

Additional Info


Artist statement: "Nephi was taken atop a mountain, and an Angel (1 Nephi 11-13) showed him the future, this was so he could testify of the future mission of The Christ. Nephi also saw far past Jesus’s mortal life into the future. He saw our world. Literally. He saw us. I wanted to use this photograph to show how awe-inspiring it must have been for Nephi to see the future, how speechless he must have been, not just from modern wonders and technology, but how he would have witnessed his people’s records change the fate of the human family. Knowing that something like this scene must have occurred in reality makes me value the words of ancient prophets. They knew what our world would be like long before it happened. I used the dark and light to emphasize the contrast between Nephi's ancient world and his window into busy modern one. I also opted for a grittier, grainier, film like style. This is because much of the wonderful gospel/church art I see is very clean and visually correct. I wanted to use texture and dated technology to emphasize that this experiences was REAL. I wanted the grittiness to lend to the authenticity of my testimony that visions do happen, angels do show prophets the future. I wanted the viewer to feel the love God had for Nephi and for us to make such miracles possible."

Commissioned Status

Submitted to the 2024 BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest.

Church Affiliation of the Artist

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints