Artist Information
Name: Fitt, Jason
Location(s): United States
Gender: Male
by Fitt, Jason
Dated 2023
Name: Fitt, Jason
Location(s): United States
Gender: Male
Figurative, Photography
Aaron, King Lamoni's Father
Finance major, BYU. Artist statement: "In this picture, Aaron, after hearing the desperation of the queen, reaches to lift King Lamoni’s father who had fallen to the earth after mightily praying to the Lord. In this moment we see the bridge between 2 divided nations: the Nephites and the Lamanites. As a result of the willingness of Alma, Ammon, Aaron, Omner, and Himni to serve and teach their brethren, many miracles occur, and the Lamanites grow in the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a direct result of Aarons teachings, King Lamoni’s father sends a proclamation allowing the word of God to be preached throughout all the land. I am impressed with the brotherly love that these powerful missionaries showed towards those who were considered their enemies. This picture reminds me that the pure love of Christ can surpass all barriers. We, like Aaron, can create bridges with those around us and lift them to higher ground where they can experience the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
Submitted to the 2023 BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints