The New Morning Star

by Williams, Caleb

Dated 2024

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The New Morning Star

by Williams, Caleb

Artist Information

Name: Williams, Caleb

Location(s): United States, United Kingdom

State or City: Utah

Gender: Male



Technique & Style

Digital illustration, Figurative


Samuel the Lamanite


moon, star, sun, wall

Additional Info


Instagram Caption: "'There shall be one day and a night and a day, as it were one day and there was no night; and this shall be unto you for a sign.' The Nephites, steeped in wickedness and pride, are corrected by a stranger wandering from the Lamanite lands: Samuel. This prophet comes to warn the people of that which is to come, namely the arrival of Christ into the world. He prophesies that the sign of Christ’s coming will be a day, night, and day that were bright as though day, followed by a new star in the sky. The believers are to look for this sign and wait in faith of Christ’s coming. When I read these passages, I think of the prophets in our days, and how they tell us of the signs of Christ’s return. We don’t know when it will happen, but we know to look for the signs and to wait with faith. Ours is the same task as those Nephites. Let us work together so that we may be counted among the faithful and believing. I enjoyed taking this week’s depiction in a more traditionally esoteric direction. I drew from some great alchemical texts in the 16th and 17th centuries. The heavens are such a fascinating subject for this kind of art. Look out for more of it soon my friends."

Church Name

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints