Instagram @library_of_godwin 08/28/2024 @libraryofgodwin 08/28/2024
Godwin, The Book of Mormon Illustrated by Godwin (Williams & Co. Publishing, 2024).
by Williams, Caleb
Dated 2024
Instagram @library_of_godwin 08/28/2024 @libraryofgodwin 08/28/2024
Godwin, The Book of Mormon Illustrated by Godwin (Williams & Co. Publishing, 2024).
Name: Williams, Caleb
Location(s): United Kingdom, United States
State or City: Utah
Gender: Male
Instagram: @library_of_godwin
Digital illustration, Figurative
Gadianton, Kishkumen
dagger, handshake, skull
Instagram caption: "Since the second generation of man, Satan has conspired with the wicked to bring to pass his evil works. This pattern continued down through the civilisations of history and continues even today. The Book of Mormon makes clear warnings of these secret oaths and combinations. To me, it makes sense that these would be a perversion of the sacred covenants given to man by God. Satan takes that which is good and holy and corrupts it to suit his needs and condemn the naive and foolish. Thus it was with the Gadianton Robbers, who forfeited the good lives they could have lived for lives of conspiracy, murder, theft, and more. The Book of Mormon warns us that the downfall of civilisations begins with these conspirators. Their oaths and covenants with the devil are the end to peace and prosperity to the average family. In this way, the Book of Mormon truly feels like a prophetic warning for our day."
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints