Artist Information
Name: Wanner, Sharee
Location(s): United States
State or City: Utah
Gender: Female
by Wanner, Sharee
Dated 2022
Name: Wanner, Sharee
Location(s): United States
State or City: Utah
Gender: Female
Digital illustration, Figurative
iron rod, light, tree of life
Artist statement: "Digital art creation depicting Lehi's dream of the tree of life as desribed in the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi 8. The iron rod and mists of darkness clouding the straight path are key parts of the image. We must hold fast to the iron rod to avoid temptation. It takes work, faith, and obedience, but we can reach the tree and taste the sweetness of the fruit and share it with others."
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints