There is a God!

by Weeks, Marisa

Dated 2024

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There is a God!

by Weeks, Marisa

Artist Information

Name: Weeks, Marisa

Location(s): United States

Gender: Female


Technique & Style

Mixed media, Nonrepresentational





Additional Info


Artist statement: "As I was brainstorming what unique style I would use to portray an aspect of the Book of Mormon, I had a dream that I used the sea shells I’ve collected from beaches all over the world to create this piece. I aim to portray the idea that everything around us is beautiful and has been created by our Savior, Jesus Christ, and that is what is represented in this piece. Reading the Book of Mormon allows me to feel gratitude for not only the gospel, but the world around me. I enjoy symbolism and the profound effects it has on my learning so I included some in my art work! The shells are displayed in a circle, symbolizing the aspect of eternity with the gospel, which is something we can learn from studying the Book of Mormon. The big shell in the middle can symbolize the gospel, Christ, the Book of Mormon…it’s up to the audience and their perspective! When having the view of the big shell in the middle as Jesus Christ, my understanding is illuminated as I think of the shells revolving around the bigger shell in the middle similarly to how our lives should be revolving around Jesus Christ. We are instruments in His hands if we allow Him to use us to serve our friends, family, even strangers. Another viewpoint is that these shells come from all over the world just like the members of the church. What brings us together, to the big shell in the middle, is the gospel, the Book of Mormon, and our love of the Savior. I hope you all enjoy pondering different symbols that can be found. This piece has been one of my favorites to create as I’ve studied from the Book of Mormon."

Commissioned Status

Submitted to the 2024 BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest.

Church Affiliation of the Artist

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints