Artist Information
Name: Chu, Joseph
Location(s): United States
Gender: Male
Instagram: @kindof_artish
by Chu, Joseph
Dated 2023
Name: Chu, Joseph
Location(s): United States
Gender: Male
Instagram: @kindof_artish
Abstract, Digital illustration
Abish, Indistinguishable
Microbiology major, BYU. Artist statement: "To me, Abish's story of faith and testimony is a key highlight in among the many told by the Book of Mormon. It is remarkable to me how the Book of Mormon describes that the gospel of Jesus Christ came to her family by the means of a remarkable vision that her father received. While that experience may have had a powerful impact on her, my heart firmly believes that Abish must have had spiritual experiences of her own that helped her to personally come to know and love the Savior. The art style that I employed seeks to achieve a harmonious interchange between ancient and contemporary elements that conveys the message that it is crucial for us modern disciples of Christ to frequently reflect on and even internalize the experiences and examples of saints of ancient times. The detailed line work is inspired by the artistic style of medieval woodcutting technique while the general shapes and colors reflect a more contemporary minimalistic style. The Book of Mormon is a key element of helping us in this endeavor, and every individual story of faith has an important lesson that we can learn precious and hidden treasures of truths from. The warm gold-centric colors employed are a simple reference to the golden plates that we obtained the Book of Mormon from, and reminds the reader that the Book of Mormon in an very important sense, is a collection of stories about individuals coming unto Christ and their efforts in trying to establish a loving and true relationship with Him. This earnest endeavor is still the same for those who faithfully seek Christ today."
Submitted to the 2023 BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints