We find examples of service scattered throughout the scriptures, including in this week’s “Come, Follow Me” reading in John 13. Here, we read about Christ washing the feet of His disciples. Such a task was not expected of Him, but in doing so, Jesus again exhibited Himself as a humble leader. Characteristic of His ministry was His embodiment of charity and standard of meekness.
King Benjamin also spent his days serving his people and laboring with them (see Mosiah 2:10-15). This painting by Jeremy Conrad Winborg captures the Nephites’ love and admiration for their king. Notice their attentive faces as they gather from across the land to listen to their beloved leader and learn from his words.
As we come into positions of influence in our own lives, let us remember our Savior and those who have emulated Him as we seek to be Christlike leaders.
-Lucy Lacanienta