Building Nauvoo

by Nader, Annie Henrie

Dated 2015

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Building Nauvoo

by Nader, Annie Henrie



Artist Information

Name: Nader, Annie Henrie

Location(s): United States

Gender: Female


Instagram: @annadelehenrie


Technique & Style

Figurative, Mixed media




cloud, grass, sky, temple

Additional Info


Accompanied by quote from artist: "This painting depicts the construction of the temple in Nauvoo. The left panel depicts the blueprints and planning stage of the temple, the central panel depicts the temple mid-construction, and the right panel depicts the temple in completion. This painting may also represent our lives in mortality- that we were given a blueprint, and much of our mortality is spent in the building and construction of our lives, in the hopes of the Lord reviewing our work and saying “ Well done thou good and faithful servant” in which he makes our lives a holy work. The right panel then represents our work perfected and made holy. Angels watch over the central scene of mortality and construction, and represent the sacred connection between this life and the hereafter."

Church Name

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints