Cardston Temple

by Zollinger, Tannea Michelle

Dated 2012

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Cardston Temple

by Zollinger, Tannea Michelle

Artist Information

Name: Zollinger, Tannea Michelle

Location(s): United States

Gender: Female

Instagram: @artbytanneazollinger


Technique & Style

Figurative, Painting

Additional Info


"The Cardston Alberta Temple is where I was sealed to my husband. It holds a special place in my heart. In my painting there is a balance between the rough edges of the texture against the soft subtlety of the monochromatic color palette. From a distance the painting looks simplistic, but if one studies it, one finds there are layers and details. To me, the gospel of Christ can be looked at similarly. The basics of the gospel are easily grasped, but if one chooses to study them more thoroughly, there is a wealth of knowledge to be discovered."

Exhibition History:
Church Name

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints