Contemplating Moroni’s Promise
by Andelin, John
Dated 1996
by Andelin, John
Dated 1996
by Andelin, John
Carved butternut wood
29 x 15 x 15 in
© By Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
John Andelin, Contemplating Moroni’s Promise, 1996. The Book of Mormon Art Catalog, [URL].
Name: Andelin, John
Location(s): United States
State or City: North Dakota
Gender: Male
Carving, Figurative
Book of Mormon
The artist is a medical doctor in the town of Williston, North Dakota. He wrote that “this wood carving depicts a Russian laborer pondering Moroni 10:4–5 from the Book of Mormon. I chose this subject to celebrate a modern pioneering theme. . . [and to illustrate] the miraculous spread of the Gospel into the former Soviet Union and eastern block countries.”
Church History Museum
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints