Righteous Defiance
by Garlock, Caren Olson
Dated 2002
by Garlock, Caren Olson
Dated 2002
by Garlock, Caren Olson
Hand-colored woodcut print on paper
Caren Olson Garlock, Righteous Defiance, 2002. The Book of Mormon Art Catalog, [URL].
Name: Garlock, Caren Olson
Gender: Female
Figurative, Print
Amanda Barnes Smith
Having lost both a husband and a 10–year–old son in the brutal attack at Haun's Mill, Missouri, Amanda Smith is probably best known for her experience of following spiritual guidance in rebuilding her younger son's hip which was shot out during the assault. But even more inspiring was her response to the orders of the militia, who threatened death to those who continued to pray vocally. She refused to tolerate the charge and stole out into a cornfield and there hid herself and prayed out loud. Though a simple scene, it speaks volumes of inner strength, integrity, and resolve. It is a portrayal of how mankind should, and how one woman actually did respond to adversity.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints