Yesterday, Today, Forever

by Habben, David Marshall II

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Yesterday, Today, Forever

by Habben, David Marshall II

Artist Information

Name: Habben, David Marshall II

Gender: Male



Technique & Style

Figurative, Mixed media


Ezekiel, Isaiah, Joseph Smith, Moroni


plates, scroll, wheat

Additional Info


"This artwork depicts the fulfillment of prophecies given through the Lord’s prophets. There are four prophets: Isaiah with his prophetic writings, Ezekiel with scrolls of scripture from two nations, Moroni humbly kneeling over the plates he diligently kept, and Joseph Smith retrieving the record and fulfilling a long-awaited promise. Framing the prophets are motifs from the scriptures—golden wheat woven with tares as described in the parables of Christ, as well as vines and branches, further connecting the Lord to his messengers. I have made an effort to progress from the color and texture of the area surrounding the ancient prophets to a modern style and palette used beneath the modern prophet, Joseph Smith. Each element, color, and figure testifies of the continuation of the Lord’s pattern of calling prophets to lead His people."

Exhibition History:
Church Name

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints