In Romans chapter 8, Paul tells the Romans about the blessings that come with following Christ’s gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ comprises five parts: faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. While seemingly simple, life has a way of complicating what it means
Author Archives: Jennifer Champoux
In this video, artist Stephanie Kay Northrup talks about several of her Book of Mormon paintings. We love the way her art goes beyond just illustrating the stories. Northrup takes a more abstract approach to creatively visualize the message and feeling of the scriptures.
In his epistle to the Romans, Paul teaches believers about the purpose behind outward rituals, particularly those associated with the law of Moses. Their intent is to draw the heart and mind toward Jesus Christ, though that significance may be lost in the routine if we are not intentional about remembering. This idea was taught
In Acts chapter 26 Paul shares his witness of Christ’s suffering for our sakes and of the redemption that is promised through the Savior: “Christ should suffer…that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people” (Acts 26:23). Speaking to his son Jacob, the Book of
Video excerpts from the Wayfare virtual launch party a couple weeks ago! Jennifer Champoux, Director, and Emma Belnap, Research Assistant, discussed their Book of Mormon art essays in the new issue.
This week’s “Come, Follow Me” talks about Paul and his companions’ missionary work. Paul’s commitment to the gospel is one of the great miracles of the New Testament. Although originally an unbeliever and even a persecutor, Paul was converted after experiencing an extraordinary vision and healing. These events led him to become a great missionary,
The account in Acts chapter 10 of Peter being led by the Spirit to teach Cornelius, a man he initially supposed to be unclean because of his Gentile lineage, teaches us God’s expectations for whom we should accept. Through a vision in which Peter is commanded to eat animals previously deemed as impure, the Lord
The “Come, Follow Me” reading in Acts 8-9 recounts Saul’s incredible transformation from one who “made havoc of the church” (Acts 8:3) to one who “preached Christ in the synagogues” (Acts 9:20). The story nicely parallels the change of heart experienced by Alma (son of Alma) and recorded in Mosiah 27. Both Saul and Alma
Wayfare magazine published a series of art essays by the Book of Mormon Art Catalog team! Each essay analyzes artwork of the brother of Jared, showing the variety of artistic interpretations of this scripture passage.
In Acts 1, we read about the 40 days Christ ministered to the apostles after His death and resurrection. During this time, He taught them what to do after He ascended into heaven. These 40 days of instruction proved invaluable to the apostles, who continued to lead Christ’s church and teach His gospel despite immense