In the parable of the vineyard, the Lord hires workers at five different times during the day. Although he agrees to pay the first group a penny, the scripture recounts no such conversation with the other groups. At the end of the day he pays them each a penny for their work. When the early
Author Archives: Jennifer Champoux
May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month! We pay tribute to the Asian and Pacific Islander artists whose artworks of the Book of Mormon appear in the catalog. Click the links below to see a few…
How do you read meaning into a work of art? What helps you understand art you’ve never seen before? Check out this “Mystery Object” video with Becca Lloyd of Bowerbird Art Tours and Jenny Champoux of the Book of Mormon Art Catalog to learn more. Spoiler alert: Jenny’s mystery object is an obscure Book of
BYU students: two more months to submit your artworks for the inaugural BYU Book of Mormon Art Contest!
This week’s “Come, Follow Me” reading in John 11 recounts the story of Christ raising Lazarus from the dead. As word of his friend’s sickness reached the Savior, He explained that the illness “is not unto death, but for the glory of God” (John 11:4). Upon His arrival at Bethany, Mary and Martha wept, declaring
Both the New Testament and the Book of Mormon refer to the symbolic role of Jesus as the good shepherd. The shepherd knows his sheep by name, leads them to pasture, and protects them with his own life. “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep…I am the good
In the “Come, Follow Me” readings this week, we are asked to reflect on the question, “Who is my neighbor?” In his ministry, Jesus answered this pointed question with the story of the good Samaritan (see Luke 10: 29-37). Our neighbor is anyone who needs our help and love. Jesus instructs us to show mercy
Our team will join an online discussion with the Book of Mormon Perspectives Forum tonight! Send us an email if you’d like the Zoom link.
An important theme from “Come, Follow Me” this week is faith. In Matthew 17 and Mark 9, Jesus is called upon by a father to heal his son. He says, “Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief.” This idea of the Lord using the faith we already have is a principle seen time and time
During General Conference, Elder Gary E. Stevenson reminded us of the beautiful parallels between the Bible and Book of Mormon in testifying of Christ, his atonement, and his resurrection. This painting by Greg Olsen visualizes this dual witness. The left side shows Jesus crucified in Jerusalem. The right side shows the resurrected Savior visiting the