BEHOLD: Episode 52
Anthony Sweat, the department chair of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University, joins
BEHOLD: Episode 51 (Moroni 10)
In this week’s video, D. Morgan Davis, a Research Fellow at the Neal A. Maxwell
BEHOLD: Episode 50 (Moroni 7-9)
Kenneth Alford, a professor of Church history and doctrine at BYU, joins Book of Mormon
BEHOLD: Episode 49 (Moroni 1-6)
In this week’s video, Jenny Webb, an independent scholar in Mormon Studies, joins Book of
Joseph Namingha’s “Record of My People”
Check out this Y Magazine feature of an honorable mention winner in our Book of
BEHOLD: Episode 48 (Ether 12-15)
In this week’s video, Reid Neilson, the assistant academic vice president for religious scholarly publications
Call for art!
Call for art! Use the submission form below to let us know about your artwork
Book of Mormon Art Catalog Expands to Include Restoration History and Scripture
The world’s largest database of Latter-day Saint art just got bigger. The Book of Mormon
BEHOLD: Episode 47 (Ether 6-11)
In this week’s video, Joseph Stuart, a scholar of African American history and co-editor of