Author Archives: Jennifer Champoux

Artist Ben Crowder introduces his art exhibition

In this short video, LDS artist Ben Crowder introduces us to his current show at Writ & Vision in Provo. Crowder’s art uses a minimalist style to convey religious principles and stories. These twelve images are illustrations from _In the Image of Our Heavenly Parents: A Couple’s Guide to Creating a More Divine Marriage_, edited

International Women’s Day 2023

In honor of International Women’s Day we’re sharing some of the stunning images of women in the Book of Mormon Art Catalog… Brent Borup, “Abish” Abish Rose Datoc Dall, “Sariah in the Wilderness” Sariah in the Wilderness J. Kirk Richards, “Our Women Were Strong” Our Women Were Strong Minerva Teichert, “Morianton’s Maidservant” Morianton’s Maidservant Walter

12th International Art Competition

The Church’s 12th International Art Competition exhibition ends this Saturday, March 4! Don’t miss the chance to see these 148 incredible artworks by Saints from around the world on the theme of “all are alike unto God.” Admission is free! Museum hours are 10-8 (Saturday 10-6).