“The people gathered themselves together throughout all the land, that they might go up to the temple to hear the words which king Benjamin should speak unto them” (Mosiah 2:1). Gathering with family and friends to listen to the prophet is a long-standing tradition. In this painting by Gary L. Kapp, families in ancient America
Author Archives: Jennifer Champoux
The “Come, Follow Me” readings this week are full of miracles performed by the Savior where He magnified the efforts of the people. He used Peter’s faith and empowered him to walk on the water. He fed five thousand people using just five loaves of bread and two fishes. The offerings of these people were
In this video artist Anna Wright shares how she decided to depict Alma 19 in “The Vision of Abish.” She recounts how her religion class with Dr. Joseph Spencer at BYU helped her consider this passage in a new way. Wright graduated from BYU last year with a BFA in illustration.
The Lord often uses parables to teach lessons, as we see in this week’s “Come, Follow Me” material. Those who were spiritually prepared understood deeper meaning to these stories and applied the principles into their lives. The Parable of the Sower teaches messages about preparing your heart and mind for the word of God, in
In this short video, LDS artist Ben Crowder introduces us to his current show at Writ & Vision in Provo. Crowder’s art uses a minimalist style to convey religious principles and stories. These twelve images are illustrations from _In the Image of Our Heavenly Parents: A Couple’s Guide to Creating a More Divine Marriage_, edited
An important theme in “Come, Follow Me” this week includes becoming more Christlike through humility and allowing your words and actions to reflect what is in your heart. In one of the most hope-filled passages in the scriptures, Christ says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give
In honor of International Women’s Day we’re sharing some of the stunning images of women in the Book of Mormon Art Catalog… Brent Borup, “Abish” Abish Rose Datoc Dall, “Sariah in the Wilderness” Sariah in the Wilderness J. Kirk Richards, “Our Women Were Strong” Our Women Were Strong Minerva Teichert, “Morianton’s Maidservant” Morianton’s Maidservant Walter
A key passage in “Come, Follow Me” this week describes Jesus calling His twelve apostles and giving them authority to preach and heal. The Lord followed this pattern as He called disciples while visiting the people in ancient America, as well as when His Church was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. We have a
The Church’s 12th International Art Competition exhibition ends this Saturday, March 4! Don’t miss the chance to see these 148 incredible artworks by Saints from around the world on the theme of “all are alike unto God.” Admission is free! Museum hours are 10-8 (Saturday 10-6). https://history.churchofjesuschrist.org/museum/artcompetition/2022
A powerful message from Dr. Daniel Becerra, assistant professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University. In this interview with the Book of Mormon Art Catalog, he discusses the importance of diversity in religious art, the value in “seeing the image of God in people who are different from us,” and his work on BYU’s