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General Conference April 2023

“The people gathered themselves together throughout all the land, that they might go up to

Come, Follow Me: Matthew 14; Mark 6; John 5–6

The “Come, Follow Me” readings this week are full of miracles performed by the Savior

Anna Wright with her “Vision of Abish”

In this video artist Anna Wright shares how she decided to depict Alma 19 in

Come, Follow Me: Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13

The Lord often uses parables to teach lessons, as we see in this week’s “Come,

Artist Ben Crowder introduces his art exhibition

In this short video, LDS artist Ben Crowder introduces us to his current show at

Come, Follow Me: Matthew 11–12; Luke 11

An important theme in “Come, Follow Me” this week includes becoming more Christlike through humility

International Women’s Day 2023

In honor of International Women’s Day we’re sharing some of the stunning images of women

Come, Follow Me: Matthew 9–10; Mark 5; Luke 9

A key passage in “Come, Follow Me” this week describes Jesus calling His twelve apostles

12th International Art Competition

The Church’s 12th International Art Competition exhibition ends this Saturday, March 4! Don’t miss the

Interview with Daniel Becerra

A powerful message from Dr. Daniel Becerra, assistant professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young